Something about arttnba3...
arttnba3@blog:~/about$ ./whoami
- Binary security researcher, majoring system security now.
- CTF player@L-team, majoring Linux kernel now. QEMU, chrome and Windows may be my next goals on the road of pwning : )
- Senior from School of Cyber Engineering in Xidian University, as well as the man with lowest GPA in people who majoring cybersapce security.
arttnba3@blog:~/about$ ./info –verbose
- Current site is the copy of my Chinese blog. I’m busy recently so not all of my blogs can be translated into English version in time : (
- I’m interested in everything related to computer science, but mainly the principles of software layer : )
- I used to be a 1/32 full-stack developer, but I cannot code anymore now : (
- I used to be a security researcher intern at Qianxin and Keenlab respectively.
- I love playing music games and I’m currently a OSU!STD Player. I also play Phigros, Muse Dash, Arcaea, Deemo, …, etc. But I’ve been AFK for a long while…
- 📧:
- 我永远喜欢英梨梨.jpg