If you’re a Chinese, just visite arttnba3.cn : )

It seems that I’m currently a normal senior majoring cyberspace security in Xidian University, as well as member of XDSEC, CTF Pwner@L-team, and the most important: a computer science lover and newbie.

Now let’s talk about my name: 「arttnba3」. It’s a string consists of 8 individual letters, which means that we should read it letter by letter instead of treating it as a word normally. If it’s too troublesome for you to do so, it’s also okay to only read the first and the last letter:「a3」. I think it’s not so hard to read it out now : )

As you can see, this is my personal blog based on Github pages, constructed with Hexo. There’s no doubt that the domain blog.arttnba3.cn will works for a long time. But it’s also possible that I may be too poor to keep it. Luckily I put this website on Github pages and you can keep accessing it with the domain rat3bant.github.io. I’m sure that the Microsoft will lives much longer than me : )

Hope you can find something interesting at my blog : )